
Concert / Indie & Shoegaze Wednesday

Support: Lowertown
© photo 1: Wednesday / photo 2: Martin Garcia

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A Wednesday song is a quilt. A short story collection, a half-memory, a patchwork of portraits of the American south, disparate moments that somehow make sense as a whole. Karly Hartzman, the songwriter/​vocalist/​guitarist at the helm of the project, is a story collector as much as she is a storyteller: a scholar of people and one-liners. 

Rat Saw God, the Asheville quintet’s new and best record, is an album about riding a bike down a suburban stretch in Greensboro while listening to My Bloody Valentine for the first time on an iPod Nano, past a creek that runs through the neighborhood riddled with broken glass bottles and condoms, a front yard filled with broken and rusted car parts, a lonely and dilapidated house reclaimed by kudzu. The songs on Rat Saw God don’t recount epics, just the everyday. They’re true, they’re real life, blurry and chaotic and strange – which is in-line with Hartzman’s own ethos: Everyone’s story is worthy,” she says, plainly. Literally every life story is worth writing down, because people are so fascinating.”

Wednesday — Quarry (Official Video)

New York/​Atlanta based band Lowertown consists of Olivia O. (Olive Osby) and Avsha (Avshalom Weinberg). It’s hard to pin down Lowertown as one brand or idea, as their sound ranges from delicate and sentimental piano and guitar ballads to dirty and dejected punk tracks. Ever since they decided, the summer going into their junior year, they were to form a band of just the two of them, the duo have gained and retained a dedicated fanbase, captivated by their eccentric and energetic live performances, ever-evolving sound, and aesthetic.

Lowertown — Bline” (Official Video)

For fans of:

Francis Of Delirium, Momma, Horsegirl