À partir de 12 ans

Spectacle Museum of Memories

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We cannot completely rely on our memories, and yet, there is no other reality than the one that we carry with us in memory. Each moment we live gets its importance from the past. Present and future would lose all meaning if the past were erased from our consciousness. Between ourselves and nothing is our ability to remember.
Inside a fantastic movable museum building, made up out of 70 m² of rusty drawers, five performers reconstruct a life that has ended. Two brothers, a neighbour, a teacher and a lover. With warmth, humour and music, they tell stories about the one they have lost.

New International Encounter (NIE) is an international company which makes award-winning theatre performances through a mix of physical theatre, multiple languages, live music and storytelling.

Actors: Helder Deploige, Kieran Edwards, Charlotte Grundt, Iva Moberg, Dagfinn Tutturen / Director/​concept: Kjell Moberg / Music: Helder Deploige / Design: Katja Fredriksen / Co-director: Alex Byrne / Technical assistance: Jan Shanel, Vojtech Svejkar / Premiere April 2012Performance invited in collaboration with TAK Liechtenstein and Villa Nova – Reims. Tour supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.