
All I want for Christmas is… Things to experience

The time’s not right yet for tapas with friends in Barcelona but we have other suggestions.
© photo 1: Aaron Burden (Unsplash) / photo 2: Claire Doan / photo 3: Vum Gréis

This holiday season we’ll have to do without large family gatherings and partying with friends. But that’s no reason to give up on spoiling those we love and miss. Between colleagues we’ve been talking about ways to do just that and we want to share our ideas with you.

The past many years there’s been a growing trend of giving gifts that you can’t wrap rather than buying material presents. Because when you offer experiences, you’re giving both joy and lasting memories. It’s not the right time yet to go and eat tapas with friends in Barcelona or unwind in a Jacuzzi in Mondorf, but we have other suggestions.

The same thing but in a different way

We almost had the longest Christmas market of all time, only to end up not having any at all… Véronique, our PR officer, suggests stocking up on spices to make your own mulled wine. Tom, our event manager, recommends making Speculoos instead. Neither of them provided recipes, sorry!

Deprived of her favourite escape rooms, our cultural mediator Amandine informs us that the concept has luckily found a way to adapt to the current situation. You can now find escape rooms online and in books. The format isn’t that important, what’s essential is to escape from your daily routine.

Fresh air

Lock-down is very useful but ironically, it makes us twice as eager to get outside in the fresh air. We have no idea what the restrictions are on hot air balloon rides but Amandine assures us that winter is the best time to try it.

Joëlle, our performing arts project manager, and Maxine, the performing arts department’s assistant, had the same gift idea: a Circular Walks guide book (Guide auto-pédestre). Discovering Knaphoscheid, Ehnen and Tadler is COVID-compatible and much more environmentally friendly than Paris, London and Tokyo.” One point for Joëlle.

Claire, our graphic designer, suggests the tasty regional and seasonal vegetables, grown without pesticides or chemical fertilisers, with respect for man and nature at Vum Gréis”. We won’t hold this shameless plug against her because it’s an excellent idea. The vegetable basket’ season is over but when you subscribe, you get the option of picking your own vegetables. And what better way to forget the world around you than by getting you hands dirty while connecting with Mother Nature?

As long as we’re together

The romantically inclined will offer their better half a voucher for watching a sunrise from the Pfaffenthal panoramic lift – a gift that has been tested and validated by our other Claire, who volunteers at the reception desk.

Less romantic and more invigorating: the creative workshops for children and adults organised by the Rotondes. The next ones are the Labo Natchav and the Parent & Baby Yoga sessions. Just saying. If you want more information, email hidden; JavaScript is required!