

Rotondes collaborates all year round with young artist collectives, activists, and associations that explore society critically.
© photo 1: Joëlle Linden / photo 2: Mariana Dos Santos / photo 3: Sven Becker

No theme is taboo as long as the subjects are are approached from an original angle. That’s why photography, architecture, digital and urban culture, and many other disciplines all have a place in the Rotondes programme.

Need support to carry out your project?

Rotondes gives support to citizen groups, activists, and associations that are active in the sociocultural, cultural, and artistic fields. Collaboration with our team is flexible : it might merely involve the use of Rotondes’ infrastructure or it can extend to co-productions and being included in our programme. 

We are open to proposals for collaboration throughout the season. Would you like to present an original format to a Luxembourg audience? Approach a subject from a new angle? Whether your project requires support in the short, medium, or long term, don’t hesitate to contact us!


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+352 2662 2049

Co:Work Roton­des is a shared space locat­ed on the first floor of the Con­tain­er City that can be used by col­lec­tives of artists and/​​or socio­cul­tur­al actors for meet­ings, gen­er­al assem­blies and work­shops for their members. Check out the Co:Work page to find out more.


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+352 2662 2049

Here are our upcoming events