
Les Voyeuses Maxime Charasson

© Maxime Charasson

Histoires croisées :
passé et présent”


The six illustrated works blend modern figures with archival photos of Rotondes. By incorporating these illustrations, I aimed to breathe life into these historical images, with urban characters coming to life in these vintage landscapes. Gradually, they adapt and merge into the daily life of Rotondes, creating a dialogue between past and present.”


Maxime Charasson has been passionate about illustration and the arts from a young age. He studied graphic design in Nantes, earning a master’s degree in art direction and multimedia. In 2015, he had the honour of being selected as one of the Young Talents at the Angoulême Comics Festival. After his studies, he worked for six years as a graphic designer at the h2a agency in Luxembourg. Having always been drawn to warm and cheerful colours, Maxime creates a playful and vibrant world, in the hope of bringing smiles to his audience.