
Concert programming Marc Hauser

Among the highlights of the upcoming season? Congés Annulés in its entirety. See you in August!”
© Mariana Dos Santos

After all that we’ve been through these past months, the Rotondes’ team is more motivated than ever and eager to present the great 20/21 season they have put together. Here is what the members of our team in charge of programming have planned for the coming months, in the hope that it will make you want to come back to Rotondes.

How did you experience the sudden end of the 19/20 season and the programming of the 20/21 season? Did it keep you awake at night or was it manageable?

To be honest, whether it was the end of the 19/20 season, filled with cancellations and postponements, or during the preparation of the new 20/21 season with so many uncertainties and possible options to consider, everything felt so strange that I often had the impression that I wasn’t programming for real. 

Could any of the events that unfortunately had to be cancelled these past months be postponed to the upcoming season? 

Some but not all of the concerts could be postponed. Some concerts were cancelled even before they were announced, while others initially postponed to the beginning of the new season are now on the verge of being postponed to 2021.

Share some of the 20/21 highlight with us!

Congés Annulés in its entirety but also a weekend in December where we have three very different concerts lined up: desert blues on 4 December with Les Filles de Illighadad, minimal electro with the arrival of Pantha du Prince on 5 December, and indie rock to close the weekend with Sorry on 6 December.

What are your hopes for life at Rotondes in the coming weeks? 

That cultural life reclaims its rights!

Do you have a message for the public?

See you in August!