
Les Voyeuses Klara Troost

© Klara Troost

Faille temporelle”


Faille temporelle explores the interplay of time, memory, and imagination. Through a series of six images, this work takes you on a journey where futuristic, speculative objects merge with historical snapshots of Rotondes. By juxtaposing different time periods, it offers a playful and experimental take on these glimpses of the past. Viewers are drawn into a dreamlike world where the lines between reality and imagination blur.”


Luxembourg-born Klara Troost is a graphic designer and artist now calling Berlin home. Her talent has not gone unnoticed in Luxembourg, where she’s scooped up several awards and an artist residency at Vianden Castle. She completed her studies in visual communication at Berlin’s University of Arts (UDK). Fresh out of university, she jumped straight into an exciting new venture with Studio Yukiko. There, she continues to flex her creative muscles in a vibrant, inspiring environment. Klara’s work is all about mixing different media and constantly pushing for fresh, unexpected perspectives.