
Les Voyeuses Cana Somay Panayırcı

© Cana Somay Panayırcı

Bon boulot, le duo”


The Rotondes, a pair of massive sheds originally built to house steam locomotives, spent most of their life fulfilling a purely practical purpose. Now, after years of faithful service, you might say they’re having a well-earned bit of fun, injecting some life into the neighbourhood.

But what if we flipped the script?

Imagine if Rotondes had been designed from the get-go as a cultural and entertainment hub for the region, hosting all sorts of activities. 

Running with this idea, three themes were explored, and two digital collages were created for each:

  • A bustling summer fair that brings the whole neighbourhood to life
  • An open-air drive-in cinema, nestled among trees and gardens, with even a small sports pitch nearby
  • An observatory that unlocks the secrets of the night sky, where you can reach out and touch the stars, planets, and countless celestial objects we’ve yet to name, all from the tip of a telescope.”


Cana Somay Panayırcı is an interior architect with a keen eye for design and a talent for turning concepts into reality through detailed drawings.

Born in Istanbul, she studied interior architecture and environmental design in her home city. Hungry for fresh perspectives, she then broadened her horizons through various programmes in the US, Germany, and Japan.

With eight years under her belt, including a brilliant two-year stint in Luxembourg, Cana tackles projects of all sizes, from grand designs to intimate spaces.”