
Visual arts & Exhibition / Loop, Installation & Video 24h Sunrise/​Sunset

Dries Depoorter (BE)
© photo 1: fotoswiss / photo 2: Dries Depoorter

It’s always 5 o’clock somewhere according to a popular saying. And what can be said about Happy Hour can also be said about sunrises and sunsets. Using CCTV, the video installation 24h Sunrise/​Sunset displays a real-time sunset and sunrise happening somewhere in the world.

« I wanted to show that unsecured CCTV cameras can also show something beautiful. »
— Dries Depoorter
Dries Depoorter

Dries Depoorter is a Belgian artist whose work deals with privacy, artificial intelligence, surveillance and social media, usually through interactive installations, apps and games. He is a freelance digital project designer for major international brands. His work has been exhibited throughout the world, from London (Barbican) to Hong Kong (Para Site) and Montreal (MUTEK Festival).


24h Sunrise/​Sunset was commissioned by City of St. Moritz (CH) and Netherlands Film Fund.