
Visual arts / Cube, Installation & Mixed techniques Opening: cube #14 — Witness

Milo Hatfield (LU/NL)
© Milo Hatfield

Witness is a provocative installation designed to confront viewers with the visceral reality of helplessness and moral conflict. Central to the piece is a dead dove, a symbol of peace and innocence, violently spun around a confined space by a chain attached to its neck. With every impact against the pristine white tiled walls, it leaves behind a grotesque trail of marks, a graphic testament to its suffering.

Stuck behind a window, viewers are forced into the role of powerless observers. Oscillating between disgust and compassion, they are compelled to watch, unable to intervene, mirroring the paralysis experienced when confronted with distant disasters and atrocities. This enforced passivity creates a palpable tension that challenges viewers to confront their own reactions to the horrors we witness.

The piece causes a deep introspection about our collective response to suffering and our moral responsibilities as human beings. By immersing the audience in this unsettling experience, Witness asks for a re-evaluation of the courage required to confront and respond to the crises in the face of which we feel powerless. It calls for a shift away from collective impotence to meaningful action.

How can we, as individuals and as a society, fight the abuse that surrounds us?

Milo Hatfield

Milo Hatfield is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works between The Hague (NL) and Luxembourg (LU), where he recently participated in the group exhibition Beyond My Eyes (Rotondes, 2024).
In his practice, Milo explores the witty and contradictions. Through mixed projects across varied mediums, his work questions the need for practicality and aims to spark a childlike joy in the audience. However, behind the apparent light-heartedness of his work often lie a touch of melancholy and a bitter undertone. Tangled in subtext and symbolism, his works invite viewers to take a moment of self-reflection and explore their own associations, as seriousness and introspection are as important to the artist as ridicule and naiveté.

His Instagram account


cube is a cycle of temporary artistic installations, designed outside a formal gallery space for the greatest number of people to enjoy. This space is located between the entrance for the Rotonde 2 and the Buvette.

production: Rotondes