
Radio Rotondes, in collaboration with Radio ARA #1 Inspiration & Intuition

Creating is a mystery all the way around”

Listen to the show

This podcast is also available on Radio ARA’s website.

In this episode we talk to multidisciplinary artist Linda Pappa about how she finds inspiration and approaches creating art. For her, creating is about connecting her inner and outer worlds. We talk about following her intuition and practicing self-care, but we also discuss connecting with nature by being open and vulnerable. We laugh a lot and discuss how creating, just like living, is messy, unexplainable, and crazy at times, but how it sort of all makes sense. 

We also talk to the founders of two creative places in Luxembourg where you can learn about pottery and ceramics: Atelier Céramique Claire Royer and Pause Art.

We close the show with a creative prompt around self-awareness.

Creative playlist

Each show is accompanied by a creative playlist: music that we hope will inspire you and help you create.

Guest: Linda Pappa

Linda Pappa is a Luxembourgish and Greek artist, designer and storyteller. She finds inspiration in nature and creates paintings, murals and ceramics using natural and raw materials. She currently resides in Crete where she has a rural home and studio in the mountains. She has recently self-published a book, Ousia, which explores nature’s elements: air, fire, water and earth. In it she invites us to witness these energies in nature, but also within ourselves, and how we can connect to them through rituals to find more balance. 

1:44 — 42:57 to listen to the interview.

photos © Linda Pappa

Creative places

Atelier Céramique Claire Royer 

L’Atelier Céramique Claire Royer offre des cours de tournage sous diverses formes: cours particuliers, cours réguliers en groupe (lundi 14:30 – 17:00 ou 18:30 – 21:00) et week-ends découverte. L’atelier est aussi ouvert à celles et ceux qui savent tourner sous forme d’atelier libre.

Claire a ouvert cet atelier suite à une reconversion professionnelle. Après 15 ans dans le monde de la finance, elle s’est tournée vers l’une des ses premières passions, la poterie. L’atelier se situe sur la Route de Longwy à Luxembourg-Ville. Il est inspiré par le style des ateliers parisiens, lumineux, convivial et chaleureux, et offre un moment de détente et de déconnection. 

46:08 — 51:56 pour écouter l’interview
(photo © Amandine Maroteau & Atelier Compostelle)

Pause Art

Pause Art est un café céramique situé à Steinfort, où vous pouvez apprendre la peinture sur céramique. Christine, sa fondatrice, a voulu créer un lieu pour se ressourcer et partager. C’est un lieu qui est réservable sur rendez-vous pour tout type d’événement: anniversaire pour enfants, team building, soirée entre amis, etc. Il est possible de combiner l’activité avec un repas. Christine propose également une formule à la maison qui permet de choisir une pièce et quelques couleurs et de réaliser sa pièce à la maison, puis de la ramener à Christine pour cuisson.

52:08 — 57:42 pour écouter l’interview

Creative prompt

Creating for self-awareness

With this creative prompt Linda encourages us to take a moment for ourselves before we get sucked into the busyness of our daily lives. She suggests starting our day by drawing or writing something, first thing when we make up. To take 5 or 10 minutes to express what we feel, right at that moment. To connect to our inner self for a moment.

On the right you will find my own creation. You can always share yours with me at email hidden; JavaScript is required

58:01 — 1:01:32 to listen to the creative prompt.

Mentioned during this episode

You can’t be mad at your past self”
This notion is partly mentioned in the book called The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

You are standing on a bridge watching yourself go by” − Ram Dass
Quote from his book Be Here Now

In fact, I would argue that until we have learned to be genuinely kind to ourselves, it’s very difficult to be genuinely kind to others.” − Andy Puddicombe, co-founder of Headspace (Read the article)

Headspace is an app which helps you learn how to meditate through simple guided meditations. The app has a free version.