
The Volage Series”


Camus wrote: L’absurde est la notion essentielle et la première vérité.’ (The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth.)

But this doesn’t mean that something is absurd simply because it is devoid of meaning. Rather, absurdity exists only for those who seek meaning in things. And while they might never find it, it’s through this search that they discover their own humanity. This quest for meaning is valid, even if it is doomed to end in disappointment.

The Volage Series brings this concept to life through six hand-crafted collages. Each piece features carefully cut paper elements layered onto historical photographs of Rotondes’ site. The series plays with seemingly absurd contrasts between reality and fiction, past and present, truth and frivolity.

Enjoy your quest.”

Additional information

All six original artworks are also available for purchase, framed and ready to hang. Ask the artist.


Lascar (b.1987) is a collage artist and illustrator from Luxembourg.

His journey into collage began with an appreciation for the Dadaist movement. Lascar’s work thrives on shifting perspectives, exploring the tension between familiar imagery and its estranged counterpart. After sifting through discarded paper media and freeing images from their original context, he embarks on a dialectical journey, renegotiating the values of his subjects by compiling, re-appropriating, and rearranging the collected cut-outs.

Lascar’s art is a window into his inner world, shaped by observations of society through his unique lens. By embracing the grotesque and juxtaposing it with the seemingly beautiful, good, and true, he aims to provoke a purifying effect on the viewer and thereby spark new narratives as challenge our understanding of truth’.